Saturday, 11 July 2015

The unpronounceable cocktail

It's time for something a bit different and that comes in the form of a cocktail recipe instead of a standard food recipe. I've recently discovered a new cocktail favourite called a caipirinha which is a cachaca (like rum but made using pure sugar cane rather than the leftovers) based cocktail. The name is the only bad element to this drink as it's rather confusing to say, especially for someone who has trouble speaking coherently on the best of days. The best tip I've managed to find in the Internet is by saying k-eye-pir-een-hya and hope for the best. 

 I normally prefer a citrus flavoured cocktail and gin is my spirit of choice so this is familiar but unusual at the same time. The only ingredients are lime, sugar, cachaca and ice. Easily made and definitely easily drank.


Serves 2

3 limes, quartered pith removed and then cut in half again. 
2-3 teaspoons of raw sugar (Demerara or caster is fine)
Crushed ice
2 5cl shots of cachaca 
A handy wooden muddler or mini rolling pin to smash up the limes

The super cheap bottle of cachaca I bought in duty free came with perfect pictured instructions so I'll just leave them here:

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