Monday 22 August 2011

Sweet Sundays

For the last few weeks my friend and partner in crime from work have been meeting up every Sunday to bake some delicious creations. It started off with him wanting to try out a recipe for sweet potato pie which he had in America and fell in love with. It was always something on the foodie list so I said we should give it a try and my god am I glad we did. It sounds a little weird but it goes on the same principle as using carrots to make cake, sweet vegetables do work in dessert. We used ready made shortcrust pastry to save on time and effort and in fact it worked out really well. I was worried that the savoury pastry would not go with the sweet filling but it actually balanced the pie out nicely and any sweet pastry would be too much. We found the recipe here and it is so easy to follow. What you end up with is a pie with similar taste to an egg custard tart but with the lovely added flavour of the sweet potatoes. Really good little pudding which can be whipped up in a hurry or really nice if you are craving a little Christmas cheer, even if it is August.

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